Thursday, January 31, 2008

Odds and Ends

We've been thinking of creating a blog for a while now. We just never actually got around to doing it until this morning. Sarah emailed me and asked me if I had a blog page. It must have been fate. Normally on a Thursday I would have already been in class and wouldn't have checked my email until much later (normally around 3:30 pm. Today it would have been 7:30 pm). However, I was too tired and lazy to make myself get up and get ready for class. So, instead, I slept in. After getting up, I had every intention of doing homework. It didn't happen. Instead, I created a blog.

It took a while to figure out a name and blog address. I made Ashton help me since he's usually fairly clever with that kind of stuff. After looking at different acronyms for a quote that we were thinking of using for our title, we decided it would be easier to just use our names. The whole process was rather entertaining.

So here is what we've been up to recently. I've been busy going to school. I'm taking 15 credits this semester. 3 of those credits are a series of 3 mini-classes and are a week long a piece. Each are worth a credit. The benefit of taking these classes is that together they count as an elective. That means that it's one less class that I have to take this summer. This should help me reach my goal of graduating this coming August.

Ashton is working full-time at a company called DAZ-3D. From what I understand of it (for all I know he could be involved in the mafia) it's a software company that does 3D rendering for artists. His job involves developing software, which is good because that's really what he wants to be doing. He's still taking some classes. He's taking one class this semester and is enjoying it so far. He's also hoping to graduate this year, either in August or December.

We're both excited to be moving on past school soon. The end is in sight!


Anonymous said...

hooray for more bloggers! keep 'em signing up. it makes me look like i'm popular and have a lot of friends. ha!

what's it like?...that "sleeping in" thing? i've forgotten.

Tara said...

Tell him to graduate in December...then we can both not walk together! WAHOO! I'm glad you have one of these now so I can keep tabs on you! :) Love you bad! XOXO

AL said...

I agree with Lindsay...sleeping in? what's that? My definition of sleeping in these days is getting up at 6 when I don't have to go teach : )

Mandy said...

Congratulations on the birth of your blog! Did you guys watch Lost last night?