Friday, May 18, 2012

Hair Cuts

David's hair has been getting a bit mullet-ish the past few months. I know I should really give him a hair cut, or a trim at the very least, but I've been resisting for two reasons. One, I don't know how I'd get this wiggly boy to sit still long enough to do anything to his hair, let alone how I'd get him to not want to play with the scissors or clippers, and two, I don't want to take that step into him actually being a little boy instead of my baby. Yes, I know I have another baby on the way and with David being 15 months old now, he's not really my baby anymore. I realize that more and more every day. There's still something so comforting about his fuzzy hair that sticks up everywhere in little tufts, even if it's getting too long in the back and has had the ability to cover his ears for a while now.

Still, Ashton teases me every day about his hair and whether I've decided to cut it yet or not. I almost start crying every time (I am pregnant after all) and/or give Ashton a scowling look for bringing it up again. I did look up how to cut boy's hair yesterday. Maybe I should tell Ashton I'll cut David's hair when Ashton lets me cut his precious hair.

I'd write more on this, but I have a little boy who sounds like he's enjoying playing with his food a little too much. Guess I should pay attention to him.


Janis said...

Cutting a wiggley boy's hair is a challenge. That is why we went to doing a buzz cut with clippers until they were able to sit still for a regular cut. Jacob's hair got quite long before I cut it. Enjoy the baby look!!! They grow up fast enough as it is.

Mandy said...

I would probably give him his first sucker while you cut. That will probably keep him busy. Good luck! He's cute even with a mullet!