Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Crazy Busy

It's amazing how one little guy can make your life so busy, but he sure does have a knack for it. David has been battling a cold for almost a week, but thankfully it's not too bad. He has a little bit of a stuffy nose and some coughing. It's been getting better though and I appreciate that. It's so sad to hear him cough although he does have this one cough that sounds more like a yell and that's kind of funny.

I'm still trying to get him to sleep during the day. Some days are better than others and I still have to wrap him up to get him to sleep at all. I'd rather not have to wrap him and there was one day that he took two naps without needing to be swaddled. I haven't been able to duplicate that success.

Since David prefers to sleep on me during the day, and because I don't have a sling yet that totally fits, I have had to find things to do that allow me to sit on the couch and hold him. Not all of them are productive, like watching episodes of Castle, but I have managed to find some things that are fun and educational. My favorites has been a podcast on the History of Rome and a book called Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich. I got the book in audio form so I can listen while doing most anything and not worry about holding a book. I love this book. It's about a German pastor who tried to warn the church and others about Hitler and the Third Reich. It's nonfiction, but it's not dull like some nonfiction I've read.

Here's the part I know you've all been waiting for: pictures! I can't believe how big he is getting. At my 6 week appointment, David weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. He hasn't chubbed out really, he's mostly just gotten longer.


Melissa and Trevor said...

He is so cute. I'm really excited to see him (and you guys!) in May!

Tara said...

He truly is beautiful!

Janis said...

He's soooo cute! It is so fun watching a baby grow and learn things. Thanks for the heads up on the book. There were so many heros during that time.

Mandy said...

Such a cute guy! I'm glad he's starting to feel better and I love the audio books too! Awesome!

Michelle Walkenhorst said...

He's cute! Love audio books, although They are a saving grace for car trips.

Jen Bowen said...

I listen to audiobooks all the time too. So much easier. David is adorable.