Monday, March 2, 2009

Humor Us In Our Delusions

One thing that Ashton and I love to do is to take things out of context. We tend to giggle a lot when we think about a quote that sounds normal when you know the story, but makes absolutely no sense if you just say it.

For example, the other day I said, "That's what everyone says until they rub a penguin on their head." Yeah, makes no sense without the story, but it sent Ashton into near hysteria just thinking about how random it was out of context. I'm not going to even tell the story of why I said that, because it's just funnier to leave it at that.

When we're both on top of things, we have a lot of fun playing on words, double meanings, and such. It's not so much fun when only one of us gets the joke, which happens often as one of us is usually a bit out of it. When we're both out of it, we just tend to laugh a lot about nothing. Nothing like a bit of delusion to make things funny.

Anyways, the whole rubbing a penguin on someone's head made Ashton think about posting random quotes that we either hear or say. So, if you see random quotes that you don't get, just laugh at the randomness.

Speaking of random, we finished programming my Yahtzee game last night! After spending a couple weeks playing Yahtzee at Dad's the last time we were in Maine, I wanted to program a Yahtzee game so I could continue to play. I did write some of the program, although Ashton told me exactly what to write, and designed how it looked, but decided it'd go much faster if Ashton just wrote it and I help him. I did manage to provide some help in suggesting how it worked. I'm just happy that I understand what the code says/does. Now all that's left is making it look nice.

Here is one last random thing, Ashton shared this with me and I thought that it was absolutely hilarious. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I LOVED that video. So funny...Natania and I definitely replayed it a good couple of times, here at work! :) Also, I always say stuff and then when I rub a penguin on my head, it negates what I was previously feeling...its like they have a power to change your thoughts. hahaha