Friday, April 3, 2009

My New Haircut

I got my hair cut yesterday! I've been told that I needed to post pictures of it, so here they are! I didn't take a "before" picture, so you'll have to be satisfied with the after shots. Keep in mind, this was taken late at night so my hair was kinda falling flat at that point and although it might not look so different, there are some things that are different. Just not as drastic as they could be I guess. In any case, I love it.


Mandy said...

VERY cute. Thank you for the pictures. I'll stop blog stalking you now. :)

Janis said...

I like it. mom

Mom/Paula/Grandma P said...

I love it, too!
See you soon...

Jen Bowen said...

The haircut looks great on you!

Sean and Charity said...

I love it too! How are you guys?! We let too much time go between visits! The semester is over in two weeks! Lets do something!! Love!!