Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Bundle of Nerves

Well, today's the day. Today I have my senior interview, or my oral Spanish test, to see what level I am at and if I can graduate. I'm pretty much a nervous wreck despite Ashton's reassurance that I'll do fine and that everything will be ok. While I know that it'll be fine and that I'll live, even if I don't get as high as I want to, it's still nerve wracking to have to go in and talk to someone I don't know in Spanish and make minimal mistakes.

So, I've spent my morning studying some last minute pieces of grammar and trying to calm myself. Sometimes that's easier said than done. Trying to tell yourself that there's not much you can do to improve your Spanish the day of the interview is not very reassuring if you're not sure that you speak very well.

So, if you read this between 1 and 1:30 MST (or 3 and 3:30 East Coast time) please say a little prayer for me. Even if you read this later, please say a little prayer that she'll be in a good mood when she grades me. (She tapes it to grade later...another nerve wracking thing. I hate being taped.)


Jen Bowen said...

I hope it went well and that the grader's in a good mood! You're almost done!

Tara said...

YAHOO! Tell me how it went k? I know you'll do GRRRR 8! :) And, no I'm not gonna forget about the money. That's absurd! :) Just split it halfsies or whatever...doesn't matter to me, just let me know when you figure it out and I'll mail ya a check or something! :)

Stinson Family said...

That is scary, but I am sure that you did well. How soon will you know? Your in our prayers. Love You!

Anonymous said...

we're back