Saturday, June 28, 2008

Decisions, decisions, decisions

So, this is going to be a different kind of post. I took some pictures of some roses that I got a while ago when we bought our car and I want to frame one of them. After looking through all of them and demanding that Ashton give me his input, we narrowed the selection down to 4. So now, I want your input because I'm lousy with making these kinds of decisions. So, here it goes.





So, let me know which is your favorite!


Anonymous said...

i will pick #4. i like the velvety feel of a rose petal and being able to see it up close appeals to that sense of touch.

can almost feel it's shimmery surface.

did you know you can make them last a little longer? after they begin to droop a little, immerse them, sideways, in a sink or bucket of icewater for a minute or two. perks them right up.

that would get my attention too. :)

Mandy said...

I really like #4 too! It's beautiful!

Jen Bowen said...

I can only narrow it down to #1 and #4. I'm indecisive too. I like both so it'd depend on what look you're going for. Good job on the photography!

AL said...

I was going to say #3 or #4...and i like your tip lindsay : )